Wednesday, September 15, 2010

I Won an Award!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am so excited!!!! I actually won an award for my blog!!! This AWESOME lady named Tracy who writes and AMAZING blog called, A Slice of Smith Life, enjoyed my blog and awarded me for it!!!! I get the opportunity now to give an award to others as a sort of "pay it forward" game!!!! So here is my list of 15 sites you MUST see, in no particular order!!!

  1. Ruth at
  2. Liz at
  3. Benson & Kristin at
  4. Jamie at
  5. Amy at
  6. Liz at
  7. Kelli at
  8. Michelle at
  9. Bradie at
  10. Rachel at
  11. Tiffany at
  12. The large family at
  13. A wise woman at
  14. Emily Rose at
  15. Theresa at

So here are the rules for accepting this award...

1. Accept the award. Post it on your blog with the name of the person who has granted the award and his or her blog link.

2. Pay it forward to 15 other bloggers that you have newly discovered.

3. Contact those blog owners and let them know they've been chosen.

What a fun activity for all you bloggers out there!!! Thanks so much, Tracy, for including me :)

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The Boy Who Changed the World

I was blessed with a wonderful opportunity to receive a book that I thought would be interesting from Booksneeze, a book review website, in exchange for an honest review.  I don't have to like the book or dislike the book I just have to be honest. I don't get paid if you buy the book or anything like that.  I just get a free copy for my own personal use!!!! You can't beat that!!!

 My Review:

By Andy Andrew

Published by Thomas Nelson

Book Description from Booksneeze

Did you know that what you do today can change the world forever?

The Boy Who Changed the World opens with a young Norman Borlaug playing in his family’s cornfields with his sisters. One day, Norman would grow up and use his knowledge of agriculture to save the lives of two billion people. Two billion! Norman changed the world! Or was it Henry Wallace who changed the world? Or maybe it was George Washington Carver?

This engaging story reveals the incredible truth that everything we do matters! Based on The Butterfly Effect, Andy’s timeless tale shows children that even the smallest of our actions can affect all of humanity. The book is beautifully illustrated and shares the stories of Nobel Laureate Norman Borlaug, Vice President Henry Wallace, Inventor George Washington Carver, and Farmer Moses Carver. Through the stories of each, a different butterfly will appear. The book will end with a flourish of butterflies and a charge to the child that they, too, can be the boy or girl who changes the world.

I really enjoyed reading, The Boy Who Changed the World, with my children. The book flows very well from start to finish and leaves you feeling like you have just journeyed through history. It is a great resource for a Charlotte Mason type class where you can make history come alive!!! When the book parallels the boys' stories with the butterfly effect my children went wild!! They found it so interesting that one butterfly flapping its wings can make such a difference. This gave them a little bit of science in a history class!!! We homeschool and so it is great to have an opportunity to get a little history, a little reading, and a little science all wrapped up in one book!!!! Oh, and the artwork was lovely throughout the entire book!! All in all, I would recommend, The Boy Who Changed the World, to anyone with kids or without!!! I, too, enjoyed learning about history through this children’s book!!!

One Con:
I am not a big fan of the use of artificial means (super seeds) to grow food for myself, but it was a big part of our history and it does have the potential to help many others who would die of starvation otherwise.