Monday, October 10, 2011

Feingold Diet for our Family

One of the things that has been a struggle in our family was the realization that my son has been displaying some ADHD/Autistic behaviors. I have been nervous as any mother would be and did the first thing that I do when I have finished praying about a situation...I begin research! I looked up so many things on the Internet and came across information about the Feingold Program. The interesting thing is that I had taken a wonderful online class last October (I think) from Kelly the Kitchen Kop called Real Food For Rookies and during one of the classes was taught about the dangers of artificial food additives in our food. This was the first time I had heard about the Feingold Association, but I am glad it wasn't the last. Since our family moved only a couple months later, I let Feingold drift from my mind, but a couple weeks ago I was snapped back into reality! I called the association to find out some information and spoke with a wonderful lady by the name of Jane Hersey who has written several books about her family's experience with Feingold. She and I both agreed that my son was probably dealing with a chemical sensitivity and I was confident after the call that the days ahead would be different!!!

Through many ups and downs of  life on the Feingold program we can now say success!!!  The hardest part was trying to give my children foods that don't have tomatoes!  They love pizza and pasta and meatloaf and you name has tomatoes :(  Well, I am happy to say that we found a solution to that just last week!  We decided to try Feingold's "untomato sauce" which has beets and carrots and some spices mixed together to make a scrumptious sauce!!!  I couldn't believe that it was good and the kids ate an entire jar of it in a week!    I made an accidental adjustment to the recipe and it turned out great so here is my version of the "untomato sauce":

Ann's Untomato Sauce

1 can sliced beets  (drained and not pickled)
1 can sliced carrots (drained)
1/2 cup celery juice
1 cup of water
2 Tablespoons of white vinegar
1 teaspoon sea salt
1 teaspoon dried basil
1/2 teaspoon dried oregano
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
1/2 teaspoon sugar (You could probably substitute honey, maple syrup, rapadura, or sucanat here, but I haven't tried them yet because it is such a tiny amount of sugar)

Mix all of the the ingredients in a food processor and puree until it is about the consistency of applesauce.  That is it, just put it in a jar and refrigerate or use immediately.   I used the sauce as a pizza sauce for tortilla shell pizzas and the kids went bonkers for it!!!  I tasted them and agreed with the kids!!!

Even if you are not on Feingold, beets are excellent for you as are carrots and this is a great way to add them to your diet!!!!  Sorry about the lack of pictures, but I forgot to take a picture of the sauce before making it. I will try to take some pictures of the other Feingold recipes I come up with :)

And thus shall ye say to him that liveth in prosperity, Peace be both to thee, and peace be to thine house, and peace be unto all that thou hast.
1 Samuel 25:6


  1. Congrats Ann Marie!
    We started our Feingold journey when our son was 6 in 01. It has been interesting to say the least.
    I'm not sure when it started for you... but for us when our son was 15 mos old he had the mmr and went mute not to speak again until 3.
    At 6 I wanted to try diet to manage what was Dx as ADHD so we went on the Fiengold/Few Foods diet plan. When I took him back the ped after 30 days he was ASTONISHED saying that diet had never worked and tore up the script he had been ready to hand to me. Persistence paid off.
    In the coming years we figured out that he was dyslexic. Now at 15, Asperger's is a more accurate Dx. Sometimes it just takes time to see... we concentrated on what we thought was too active and later found it was hypoglycemia as it was controlled easily by diet. But the Aspie symptoms... yep can't be denied and have always been there. It was just that in '01 he was so active that we put all our efforts into 'fixing' that issue we didn't see the others so well.
    I wish you luck in your journey! Your children are beautiful!
    Mom of 5 beautiful Blessings,

  2. @Marcia Thanks, Marcia, I am glad you enjoy the blog and hope you continue enjoying it :) God Bless

  3. @Jacobs Friends What an amazing story you have, Wendy! I couldn't imagine the years of struggles to find out what your son was truly going through. I am glad the Feingold Association is available to parents who want their children to be okay without medication. God Bless!!!
